• NEW YORK CITY, New York
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  • May 13, 2021

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Sarah Sze, White Flash, 2021.Lithograph, inkjet, silk-screen and watercolor with collage. Edition of 32. Courtesy of the Artist and Universal Limited Art Editions (ULAE)

The IFPDA has announced postponement from October 2021 to October 2022 of the IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair, scheduled to be held at the Javits Center in New York City. “As an international organization we felt it would place an undue burden on our members in the EU, the UK, and Asia to ask them for a commitment to participate in the IFPDA fair given the current travel advisories," said IFPDA President David Tunick. “We look forward to returning to the Javits in October 2022 with what we expect will be full and enthusiastic participation of international exhibitors, curators, and collectors.”


In the interim, the IFPDA is launching a new online fair platform exclusively for members of the IFPDA, running May 14, 2021 through May 28, 2021 with 95 exhibiting members from the US, the EU, the UK and Asia. “We decided to create a more curated, bespoke experience for our exhibitors,” said IFPDA Executive Director Jenny Gibbs. “We’ve listened to the collectors who are tired of scrolling through the mall-like experience offered by some of the other art fair platforms out there. Instead, we are presenting focused booths that spotlight the voices and expertise of our members.”


One feature of the IFDPA’s new online fair platform is the integration of a customized art-viewing widget from Artplacer, which allows visitors to select and place artworks in a range of virtual spaces. For the inaugural edition, award-winning architect Jane Stageberg, founding partner at Bade Stageberg Cox, will select works from the fair to curate a virtual exhibition in a signature project by Bade Stageberg Cox.


The online fair features multiple highlighted booths which are specially curated to showcase a particular area of expertise.  


David Tunick is offering a focused presentation of 18th and 19th century vedute, highly detailed, large scale renderings of cityscapes and well-known historical vistas and fantastical renderings of ancient monuments.


Frederick Mulder booth is presenting a rare set of Picasso’s 'Le Banderillero' of 1959. an important group for understanding the reductive technique illustrating how the artist worked closely with the master printmaker in linocut toward a finished image. The group contains five impressions printed respectively from the first, second, third and fourth, and final state. Also offered will be examples of the very first subjects Picasso created between 1954 and 1958, including 'Profil de Jacqueline I, II, III, IV.’


ULAE is presenting a selection of new editions. “The energy and excitement to be back in the studio is palpable, and there has been a flurry of activity over the last few months. I'm thrilled to present new works by Sam Moyer, Eddie Martinez, Marina Adams, and Wyatt Kahn signed as recently as last week along with a thoughtful selection of editions from our pioneering past.” said ULAE Director Larissa Goldston. “I'm also incredibly elated to announce our recent collaboration with an artist new to ULAE, Sarah Sze. White Flash, 2021 which utilizes a myriad of printing techniques to capture a slice of Sze's dynamic multi-dimensional practice.  The works featured in this year's IFPDA embody the innovative spirit of ULAE”.


Tandem Press’s presentation features a selection of prints by five artists. Jeffrey Gibson’s colorful, graphic, and text-inclusive works are laden with multiple layers of both blatant and subtle meaning mined from his personal experiences and presented as powerful statements that reorient the place and status of Native art within contemporary culture. Derrick Adams’s approach to portraiture is concerned with representing Black collective, social, and cultural identities. Alison Saar’s work is also concerned with the humanity of Black Americans, but her images combine references from folk art, mythology, and historical events to discuss the injustices that have been imposed upon them. The prints by Swoon show the possibility for intimacy and tenderness within portraiture.


Visit the online fair here: https://www.fineartprintfair.org/



About the IFPDA

Established in 1987, the IFPDA is recognized as the world’s preeminent international organization for fine art prints with 150 members vetted for the highest level of quality, value, and professionalism. Through its network, online presence, and public programs, the IFPDA fosters knowledge and stimulates discussion about collecting prints in the public sphere and the global art community. The IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair, held annually in New York City, is the largest and most celebrated art fair dedicated to the artistic medium of printmaking. The annual IFPDA Book Award honors scholarly excellence and original research. The IFPDA also advances research, education, and dialogue for a new generation through its charitable Foundation.

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