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Charleston Art & Antiques Forum

2011 Charleston Art & Antiques Forum


Celebrating its fourteenth year, THE CHARLESTON ART & ANTIQUES FORUM, founded in 1997, is endorsed by the antiques world's favorite scholar and statesman Wendell Garrett as "...the best fine and decorative arts program in the country today." Join us during Charleston's renowned Antiques Week in March 2011 for "Made in America" ~ Century by Century. This extraordinary Forum program presents American material culture from the founding of Jamestown in 1607 to contemporary ceramics. Experts will illuminate architecture, furniture, painting, silver, and ceramics as they explore the artisans who created these masterworks, the people who owned them, and exciting recent discoveries. Forum Highlights We are honored to have Thomas L. Campbell, Director and CEO of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, as our Keynote Speaker on opening night. In addition to previews of landmark exhibitions soon to be opening at Winterthur and The Met, a highlight of this year's offerings is the Charleston Evening on the Battery at the Roper House. Forum guests will enjoy a study visit of owner Richard Hampton Jenrette's superlative collection with leading curators, plus a private reception at the elegant home overlooking the city's historic harbor.

Old Courtroom at the Confederate
23 Chalmers St.
Charleston, South Carolina