• NEW YORK, New York
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  • July 07, 2022

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Echo, 2021
Courtesy of the artist
Mirror, 2022
Courtesy of the artist

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, July 8, 2022, 4-8 PM

SLA Art Space presents DWELL, a solo exhibition of New York-based Lithuanian artist, Laima Sprangauskaite. Featuring a selection of oil paintings created throughout the artist’s career, the exhibition will create a contemplative space, inviting the viewer to revel in the deep serenity that radiates from Sprangauskaite’s works. The exhibition will be on view July 8-30, 2022.

The artist’s quiet yet exuberant images are meant for contemplation and focus. In her work, Sprangauskaite explores space and aims to express subtle movements between the depth and the surface. She compares the process to walking the labyrinth, journeying toward the center in peace and silence.

“Everything we perceive as solid in the physical world is actually flickering in and out of an infinite void at the speed of light,” says Sprangauskaite. “Like mandalas that are primarily used as a form of meditation to gain knowledge from within and allow the busy mind to take a break.”

Getting There, 2019
Courtesy of the artist

Sprangauskaite’s artistic expression is drawn from the oldest traditions of mystical intuition, the unity of void/plenum and self, and their pulsing interconnectedness. Her art attempts to display this intrinsic unity and harmony that is revealed every day, everywhere.

Gallery hours: Saturday 12 – 4 or by appointment.

Laima Sprangauskaite graduated from the Vilnius Academy of Arts in Lithuania with an MFA in painting. She studied printmaking in New York City at the National Academy of Design, the School of Fine Arts, and has received scholarships from Valerie Delacorte, Antanina Kunigonis Bachielis and the J.B.Margaret Blaugrund Foundation.

Laima has received an Award of Excellence from Manhattan Arts International, an Award at ''The Healing Power of Art'' competition, and the Bruce Museum Choice Award. Her work has been exhibited in various galleries in Europe and the USA and can be found in many private collections around the world.

SLA Art Space
307 W 30th Street
New York, New York
About SLA Art Space

SLA Art Space, a multi-purpose events venue, established in 2014 by the Lithuanian Alliance of America, a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization. SLA Art Space is dedicated to creating and offering a wide range of cultural events including live performances, film screenings, panel discussions, and gallery exhibitions that explore the evolving diversity and richness of Lithuanian culture. SLA Art Space strives to strengthen the identity and community of individuals of Lithuanian descent by generating new ideas and promoting cross-cultural dialogues through partnerships and cultural projects that provide mutual value and new perspectives, inviting audiences of all ages and backgrounds to engage and share culture and art.

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