Mitochondria Gallery presents “echoes of memories ,” a duo exhibition by Dusabe King Christian and Ozoemena Nzubechukwu

  • HOUSTON, Texas
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  • November 18, 2022

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Artist: Dusabe King. “Afternoon Swim.” Acrylic and Oil on canvas. 36 x 48 in. 2022
Courtesy of Mitochondria Gallery and artist

Mitochondria Gallery is proud to present “Echoes of Memories,” a duo exhibition featuring new paintings and drawings by Dusabe King Christian (Rwanda, 1996) and Ozoemena Nzubechukwu (Nigeria, 1999).

It has been proposed that memory occurs in multiple stages; information is received in the sensory stage, after which it can be transmitted to the short term memory stage, then possibly long-term. Our ability to encode, store, and retrieve memories are of importance to our well-being, and how we interact with our environment. Dusabe and Ozoemena present works that explore levels of episodic and procedural memories. Episodic memories relate to the recollection of first hand experience while procedural memories are actions that are learned over time and are performed without conscious awareness. Ozoemena explores a shared spiritual experience from the perspective of Catholicism.

Dusabe approaches memory from a familial and individual perspective. According to the artist’s statement, “his practice inspects multifaceted layers of social identity, personal, and familial homages through the immaculate study of ephemeral compositions of discontinuous memories. While contemplating the intimate impact familial backgrounds had on Dusabe, his dexterity was propelled to center around the need to gap the bridge between emotional states and memories, and the want to demystify the purpose of nostalgia as the impetus behind his work either as proof for an elected artificial construct that overwrites the present with the past, or as a transfigured perspective that is allegorically precursive of catharsis.”

Nzubechukwu’s paintings are mirrors into archives from the past Alluding to shared experiences within the catholic community, it references personal archival sources such as photo albums while highlighting themes of memory, connectivity, community and spirituality using catholic iconography. The interpretation of his works aims to isolate the viewer in a reflective space that allows for introspection and retrospection whilst taking cognizance of present realities.

Artist: Ozoemena Nzubechukwu. Fallen 2. Acrylic on canvas. 8 X 8 in. 2022
Courtesy of Mitochondria Gallery and artist

Like old photographs, memories fade over time. The emotional connection to our memories keeps them vivid.

Opening Date: November 26, 2022. 5:00 pm to 8:00 PM.

Public Viewing November 26th to December 17th .
Address: 2220 Commerce Street #D, Houston, TX. 77002

Mitochondria Gallery
Mitochondria Gallery

Tags: african arts

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