Celebrate Plastic Free July at Lord Howe Island Museum with Reef Dwellers Art Show by Selva Ozelli

  • NEW YORK, New York
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  • July 10, 2022

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Parot Fish by Selva Ozelli


Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution.

Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?
Making a small change will collectively make a massive difference to our communities. You can choose to refuse single-use plastics in July (and beyond!). Best of all, being part of Plastic Free July will help you to find great alternatives that can become new habits forever.

To participate in the Plastic Free July challenge, all you really have to do is make a commitment to use less plastic during the month of July. 

Remember, doing good isn’t a competition and everyone can make a difference. Changing just a few habits can transform your lifestyle into one that’s a little kinder on our planet.

COVID-19 might be impacting your capacity to refuse plastics and single-use items, but there’s still room to act. Try to reuse what you have or store it for donation or recycling later.

Do what you can, where you can, and consider how you can encourage others to join the movement.

5 easy things you can do
Decline plastic bags and bring reusable shopping bags.
Bring your lunch in reusable containers or cloth bags.
Skip bottled beverages and bring a reusable water bottle.
Take a reusable cup for coffee. More cafes will allow reusable cups as COVID-19 restrictions ease. Find a local cafe with discounts for BYO cups. Ask for a ‘topless’ takeaway to reduce plastic lid use.

Domino Damsel Fish by Selva Ozelli

Say no to plastic straws, lids and cutlery. Choose a paper straw or keep reusable cutlery in your bag. When ordering home delivery, ask for no napkins or plastic utensils.

5 things you can do to go further
Become a planner. Single-use plastic is convenient and hard to avoid if you haven’t planned ahead. Plan by having reusable shopping bags in your car. You could buy in bulk to reduce packaging. Plan by taking your reusable cup, containers, straw and cutlery out with you. 

Try to avoid eating takeaway. Taking the time to eat at your favourite restaurant. It’s not just a great social opportunity, it also saves on plastic containers. If you can’t skip take away due to COVID-19, see if you can take your own reusable containers.

Ask if you can return containers. Some market vendors will accept their containers back. Some will even give you a discount.

Pick up 5 pieces of waste when you’re out and about. Doing this can reduce the amount of plastics entering our waterways and oceans. You could even join Trash Gatheror other organised events.

Get more involved. Join the Plastic Free July Or try Take 3 for the Seaor the National Geographic Plastic pledge.

5 things you can do to encourage others
Encourage family and friends to get involved. Share what you’ve learned about reducing single-use plastics and encourage them to join you.

Clown Fish by Selva Ozelli

Become a plastic free champion in your community. This is easier as COVID-19 restrictions ease. You could hold an art exhibition of objects made from recycled materials or do local clean ups. You could hold a community or online event or become a Plastic Free Place.

Encourage your local cafe or restaurant to provide a discount for recyclable cups and containers. They could swap from single-use plastic to compostable packaging and utensils, or even become a Plastic Free Place.

Promote recycling at your work or school. Have recycling bins for organic (kitchen) waste, glass, paper and plastics. Collect e-waste including batteries and phones.

Share your challenges and achievements on social media. Use the hashtags #PlasticFreeJuly #ChooseToRefuse #PlasticFree #SayNoToPlastic #BeatPlasticPolution #Rethink.

To illustrate and inspire you for Plastic Free July 2022, the Lord Howe Island Museum is showcasing the artwork of Selva Ozelli , an award winning artist who exhibits her work around the world in United Nations Conferences, NGOs and Museums. 

Watch her digital artshow ”Reef Dwellers“.


The Lord Howe Islands Group was inscribed on the World Heritage List for its unique landforms and biota, its diverse and largely intact ecosystems, natural beauty, and habitats for threatened species. It also has significant cultural heritage associations in the history of NSW.  https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/186/https://lordhoweisland.info; https://www.ourplaceworldheritage.com

Selva Ozelli


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